26th Annual ESGO 2025 Congress
Discover it Now!
April 13-14, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
A Practical Informative Workshop
" As a first time attendee at an ENYGO workshop, I appreciated both the friendly atmosphere and the high level of lectures at the Palliative Care Workshop. The sessions were very informative, with practical information and guidelines, which I can apply to my practice".
Sylva Bajsová, University Hospital Ostrava
Czech Republic
A Beneficial Experience for Young Specialists
"It was such a pleasure attending the workshop in Sweden. This year’s workshop was of high quality.
These were the best sessions in palliative care I have ever attended. It was a great experience. Thank you for inviting me".
Torbjørn Paulsen, Head of Gyn. Cancer Registry
The presentations of the workshop are now available online on ESGO eAcademy*.
*Access only to ESGO/ENYGO members
Educational events on palliative aspects of the treatment of gynaecological malignancies are still rare in Europe.
The 2-day ENYGO workshop is a unique opportunity to enhance your knowledge on palliative care, focused on key topics with high importance for gynaecological malignancies professionals.
The workshop will cover all aspects of palliative surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, as well as pain control and quality of life.
Main topics:
Management of cancer pain – non-opioid and opioid analgesics and neuropathic pain
Palliative chemotherapy for gynecological cancer patients – what should we palliate?
Evidence based radiotherapy in palliative setting for patients with gynecological cancers
Management of side effects from previous treatments – surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy (peripheral neuropathy, gastrointestinal mucosal injury)
The aim of this 2-days workshop is to increase knowledge about tools to improve treatment and quality of life of patients with gynaecological cancer.
The workshop will be interactive, allowing sufficient time for group discussions.
The workshop is tailored for trainees or fellows in gynaecological oncology and fluent in English.
Attendance is limited to a maximum of 25 participants.
Workshop attendance is limited to 25 participants.
Not yet an ESGO/ENYGO member?
Renew or Join your ESGO/ENGYO membership.
Download the application form and
Confirmations will be made on a first-come-first-served basis.
Regular fee
250 EUR
Discounted fee for participants*
200 EUR
*From upper and lower middle, and low income countries based on country tiers as per the Word Bank classification
The registration fee includes:
Attendees are responsible for their own travel arrangements.
Accommodation for 2 nights in a double room, in Hotel C, Stockholm (Vasaplan 4, 111 20 Stockholm, Sweden), will be arranged and covered by ESGO on Friday, April 13, 2018 (check in) – Sunday , April 15, 2018 (check out).
The course venue is in the hotel.
Payment details and cancellation conditions:
For any queries please contact: enygo.secretariat@esgomail.org
For any queries please contact: stockholm2018@esgomail.org
Interested to learn more?
Download the Programme!
View the Workshop Scientific programme
Scientific & Organising Committee
Kamil Zalewski, ENYGO President
Holycross Cancer Center, Kielce, Poland
David Lindquist, ENYGO Vice-President & Local organizer
Umeå University, Sweden
Zoia Razumova, ENYGO National Representative of Sweden
Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Kristina Lindemann
Oslo University Hospital, Dpt. of Gynaecological Cancer and Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
Hotel C, Stockholm
Vasaplan 4, 111 20 Stockholm, Sweden