ESGO State of the Art Conference

ESGO 2020 Virtual Conference: A decade of advances in gynaecological cancer care

Why Attend?


When it comes to meeting the right people in the right place, the 4th ESGO State of the Art Conference of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology is a special event you don't want to miss in 2020...

ESGO 2020 brings together attendees from around the world for a unique 3-days gathering where the attendees can  experience highly interactive format of the sessions and discuss the latest developements with key experts in the field of gynaecological oncology.

ESGO has been following all current regulations, recommendations and updates connected to Covid-19 pandemic and after a careful consideration we can have decided to change our conference to a purely virtual meeting.


ESGO 2018 State of the Art conference

Thank you for attending the ESGO State of the Art Conference which was held on October 4-6, 2018 in Lyon, France. This event was very successful, more than 30 speakers shared their experience and more than 650 participants attended this conference. We hope that you enjoyed the conference programme as well as the beautiful city of Lyon.

All Congress presentations were recorded and will be available online for all ESGO members on the ESGO eAcademy starting end of October. You can join ESGO or renew your membership HERE to receive access to the congress materials online. Alternatively, if you are not an ESGO member, you can purchase access to session webcasts HERE.

All accepted abstracts have been published in the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, volume 28, supplement no. 3. You can find the Book of abstracts at the ´Meeting section´ of the online IJGC HERE.

All e-posters are available for free reading on a dedicated website HERE.

Save the dates of November 2-5, 2019 when the European Gynaecological Oncology Congress organised by ESGO is going to be held in Athens!


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