ESGO Database

ESGO Accredited Centres Join Forces and Share Real-world Clinical Data

These days ESGO is fulfilling a pivotal vision to shape the future of our field. All ESGO accredited centres in Europe and beyond were invited (out of which 85 already signed the Framework agreeent) to join forces and strengthen the scientific collaboration by forming the ESGO Consortium of Accredited Centres and sharing real-world clinical data in The ESGO Database platform.

The goal of the ESGO Database is joint clinical research, including the validation of ESGO quality indicators (QI) and identification of new QI, analysis of guidelines adherence, and generation of real-world data in gynaecological oncology.

The results of the joint research will drive scientific progress, quality assurance, and improvement in gynaecological oncology, and will be utilized as a political tool to drive centralization and subspeciality training for the benefit of our patients.

Find out more about the ESGO Database projects

"We invest a lot in translational and clinical studies with new drugs but we sometimes forget that surgery is still the main cornerstone of our treatment. Registration and quality control are essential to improve care for our patients."

Prof. Toon Van Gorp
University Hospital Leuven

"Lets all bring our patients together to improve the survival and outcome of patients with women cancers.
We can only win if we fight together!"

Prof. Christina Fotopoulou
Imperial College London

"Learning about the activities of other centers and sharing knowledge and experience is the main goal which I hope will bear fruit in the activities of the consortium."

Prof. Marius Bidzinski
The Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center

"The development of this database and network will have a lasting impact on the gynaecological oncology research in Europe. We are excited to be part of this."

Prof. Björn Lampe
Florence-Nightingale Hospital, Dusseldorf

"Amazing idea and extraordinarily visionary in the future for our patients and also our medical environment. I am proud to be a part of the ESGO community."

Prof. Pawel Knapp
Medical University of Bialystok

ESGO Database Task Force Leadership


Prof. Nicole

Ane G

Prof. Ane Gerda Eriksson

Christoph Grimm

Prof. Christoph 


Prof. Viola Heinzelmann-Schwarz


ESGO Advisors


Prof. Ignace Vergote


ESGO Life-time award winner (2019)


Prof. Andreas du Bois


ESGO Life-time award winner (2021)