National partners
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gynäkologische Onkologie (Swiss AGO)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Onkologie (AGO Austria)

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Onkologie e.v. (AGO)
AGO website:
Official cooperation between ESGO and AGO!
We are very happy to announce another milestone of our international cooperation.
Since the 12th of March 2020 AGO (and ESGO (European Society of Gynecological Oncology) have agreed to an official collaboration with the goal to strengthen preventive measures, diagnostic procedures and therapeutic approaches in the areas of research, education and training to improve treatment for women with gynecological cancers.
Advantages of the cooperation AGO-ESGO for our AGO members:
1. AGO members have free access to ESGO eAcademy with a portfolio of conference webcasts, accredited CME courses, learning quizzes, eLectures, eCourses, postgraduate surgical videos etc.
2. AGO members receive the “Best of ESGO” presentation from the main conferences
3. Young AGO members can participate in activities of the ENYGO (European Network of Young Gynecological Oncologists < 40 years)
4. Support of Fellowship Programs
5. Joint planning of scientific projects, conferences and workshops

Association of Gynaecologic Oncologists of India

Belarusian Society of Oncologists (BSO)
Belgium - Flemish Gynaecological Oncology Group /VVOG

Belgium - French Speaking group /GGOLFB

British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS)
The British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS) is the professional home of health providers working and researching the area of gynaecological cancers.
Our members consist of medical practitioners, clinical nurse specialists and other allied professionals, including scientists who have an interest in gynaecological cancers. We represent trainees, nurses, unit leads, oncologists, pathologists and radiologists and over 400 members regularly attend our annual conference.
Through our active subgroups we focus on commissioning, guideline development, training and IT matters and we provide a united voice at the highest level.
We have produced draft service specifications for gynaecological cancer services, an endometrial cancer guideline, a vulval cancer guideline in conjunction with the RCOG and have continued to support an annual trainees meeting in Oxford. We also offer bursaries for nursing colleagues attending the annual conference, and provide expert representation to NICE on consultation documents ensuring that clinicians are at the very heart of the development of the new national ovarian cancer registry.

Bulgarian Associacion of Oncologycal Gynaecology (BAOG)
BULGARIAN ONCOGINECOLOGY ASSOCIATION (BAOG) is a voluntary and independent non-profit organization established at 2002 year, for carrying out activities for private benefit, which is established under the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities. The members of BAOG are specialist doctors working in the field of oncogynecology (obstetric-gynecologists, surgeons, urologists, radiotherapists, chemotherapists, etc.). BAOG’s mission is to assist in the familiarization, implementation and dissemination of the most modern achievements in oncoginecology, to help raise the professional level, improvement and specialization of the members of the association. The main objectives of BAOG are: Improving the results in the fight against female genital cancers; Improving the quality of medical activity in the field of oncology and reproductive health; Promotion of the principles for the prevention and treatment of oncological diseases among civil society; Supporting professional development, upskilling and protecting the interests of doctors and other specialists working in the field of oncology and reproductive health.
To achieve its objectives, BAOG, organizes congresses, conferences, workshops and other forms dedicated to the problems of oncological and related diseases, as well as reproductive health. These forums discuss; established methods of prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation; new strategies and schemes for prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation that apply for national deployment; results of scientific developments in the field of oncology, oncoginecology, biology and epidemiology of malignancies and other fundamental problems. BAOG, develops and participate in the implementation of programs and projects to improve the quality of medical activities in the field of oncogynecology and reproductive health and in new diagnostic and healing algorithms for specific disease units. Provides expert and advisory assistance.

Croatian Society of Gynaecological Oncology (HDGON)

Czech Society of Gynaecologic Oncology
Danish Gynaecological Cancer Society /DGC
Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Estonian Gynaecologists Society (EGS)

French Society of Gynaecological Oncology (SFOG)
The French Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SFOG) is a national organization with brings together specialists involved in the treatment of gynecological cancers. The specificity of the SFOG is to be multidisciplinary bringing together all the players involved in the management of gynecological cancers (medical oncologists, surgeons, radiotherapists, pathologists, geneticists…). It hosts the group of young doctors involved in this field, the SFOG Campus. This association aims to promote research and teaching in the field of tumors of the female genital tract.

Georgian Society of Gynecological Oncology

Gyna Onco Section of Oncologia de la Sociedad Espanola de Ginecologia y Obstetricia
Hellenic Society of Gynaecological Oncology
Hungarian Society of Gynaecological Oncologists
Israeli Society of Gynecologic Oncology (ISGO)

Lithuanian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Macedonian Society for Cervical Pathology & Colposcopy
National Gynae-oncological Society of Portugal
Cristina Frutuoso, President
Portuguese Section of Gynaecological Oncology is inserted in the Portuguese Society of Gynaecology. It has as main goal, to gather gynecologists interested in oncological pathology of the female genital tract, its staging and related problems. This group promotes national events and organizes contacts between gyn-oncologists. On the other hand, it encourages and promotes technical and scientific research in this area of expertise, namely by carrying out protocols and joint initiatives with national and foreign institutions.
National Institute of Health named after academician S. Avdalbekyan
Purposes of the «National Institute of Health named after academician S. Avdalbekyan» of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia (NIH) are to prepare clinical guidelines, clinical standards, to develop the functions of responsible links for standards and standardization, to develop and implement control of structural, financial and technical mechanisms, in order to effective assessment of health system performance, preparation of national reports, collection of data on health workforce potential.
Date of establishment, number of employees
National Institute of Health named after academician S. Avdalbekyan was established in 1963, as of November 2021 NIH has around 300 employees.
Main activities
The NIH carries out activities aimed at solving problems arising from the main directions and strategies of healthcare development of the Republic of Armenia.
In particular:
- In order to improve the knowledge and skills of health specialists, NIH implements additional educational programs for medical doctors, dentists, pharmacists, healthcare providers and nurses. The NIH departments carry out postgraduate medical education programs (residency, fellowship, observership programs and advanced courses for medical workers) in many specialties.
- Implements the process of ensurig the continuous development of professional abilities and skills of individuals engaged in professional activities in the healthcare sector. The NIH also carries out Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs acreditation process.
- Development of health care policy documents.
- Development of the health care nationwide statistics; it gathers and analyzes health statistics (by financial and non- financial indicators) and prepares annual statistical reports/publications to conduct monitoring of population health situation and available health care resources in Armenia and contribute to policy development.
- Publishing activities: development and publication of regulations, scientific and methodological literature, information and other materials. Publication of the monthly Health Information Bulletin and the «Health» journal.
- Preparation of national report on drug, national health accounts, reports on assessment of the effectiveness of the healthcare system in Armenia.
- Implementation of various research projects and surveys such as the design and implementation of the surveys on household costs of health care services, geographical and financial access to health services, the corruption risks in the system, the system response requirements, satisfaction with services, health risk factors.
- Implementation of projects in cooperation with International Organizations. Healthcare system capacity strengthening projects with international partner organizations, such as USAID, UNAIDS, UNFAO, WHO, World Bank, GAVI, Emory University, UNION.
- NIH also represents a tobacco control focal point in the country and serves as a secretariat of the State Tobacco Control Committee (STCC). Implementation of public health projects on anti-tobacco campaigns and policies.
- Organization of scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables.
- The NIH also includes the Republican Scientific Medical Library, which for several decades has been an integral part of education and scientific activities of the medical community.

Polish Gynaecological Oncology Society

Romanian Society of Surgical and Gynecologic Oncology
Romanian Society of Surgical and Gynecological Oncology brings together all prominent specialists in the field, looking for viable solutions to improve the practice of gynecologic oncology in Romania for the benefit of the patients.

Russian Society of Gynaecological Oncology (RSGO)
Serbian Society of Gynecologic Oncologists
Serbian Society of Gynaecological Oncology is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit
association founded in order to provide a multidisciplinary approach to improving treatment of
malignant diseases of the female reproductive system. Our goals are both to achieve better
outcomes of clinical care and to further academic work in this field.
In order to achieve our goals we do the following:
- Help bring together and coordinate gynecologists and experts from other fields which are
involved in the treatment of gynaecological malignancies. - Develop diagnostic and treatment protocols for these malignancies.
- Help to standardise terminology and streamline the evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures in this field. - Stimulate basic and clinical research in order to improve our understanding of current issues in
the field - Cooperate with government organisations and representative bodies regarding organisational
issues in order to improve prevention and early detection of gynaecologic malignancies - Help the general population become familiar with prevention and early detection of
gynaecological malignancies - Organise education for experts who work in the field of gynaecologic oncology
- Work with both domestic and international organisations which have a focus on similar issues
- Organise academic meetings about current issues in the field
- Organise visits and lectures of foreign expert
- Print academic publications

Slovak Society of Gynaecologic Oncology

Slovenian society of Gynecological Oncology, Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology
Swedish Society for Gynecologic Oncology
The Association of Gynaecologic Oncologists of India (“AGOI”)
Turkish Society of Gynecologic Oncology (TRSGO)
The website of the Turkish Society of Gynecologic Oncology (TRSGO) provides information for medical professionals, primarily gynecologic oncologists, and aims to cover the latest updates and announcements, as well as raising awareness of cancer in women.
Our Society
Our society was founded by gynecologists and obstetricians who specialized in gynecologic cancers in 1989 in Istanbul. The founding purpose of the society is to keep up with the latest developments in gynecologic oncology, to organize congresses and courses, to make gynecologic oncology more widely known in our country, to set its standards and to raise awareness.
Gynecologic oncology was recognized as a separate specialty by the Turkish Ministry of Health in 2011 and at the first stage, physicians with proper experience and research were qualified to be gynecologic oncology specialists. Centers with a sufficient number of trainers, solid infrastructure, an adequate number of patients were established as training centers. After taking a central exam and going through 3 years of intensive training thereafter, gynecologists were awarded diplomas to be specialists in gynecologic oncology surgery.
The majority of our members are gynecologists who specialized in gynecologic oncology surgery.
Our members are specialized in women’s reproductive organ tumors (vulva, vagina, cervix, corpus, and ovary), preventive measures, treatment, and follow-ups.
Our Purpose
As a society, our objective is to ensure that our know-how is up to date and to contribute to it globally, as well as delivering solutions for the health problems of our society preeminently.
In this regard, our society facilitates knowledge sharing by organizing regional, national, and international meetings. Besides, we aim to include gynecologic oncology centers in international multicenter studies to increase the international visibility of our country.
Another objective is to inform and raise awareness about preventive and protective medicine against gynecologic cancers as well.

Ukrainian Society of Gynecological Oncology (“USGO”)

ESGO 2026 Congress
FEB 26-28, 2026
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European Society of Gynaecological Oncology
The European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) is the leading European organisation with more than 2,500 professionals involved in treatment, care and research of gynaecologic cancers.
European Society of Gyneacological Oncology (ESGO) | Avenue Emmanuel Mounier 83/11, 1200 Brussels, Belgium