ESGO Centre Accreditations

in Gynaecological Oncology
Hospital Training, Clinical Surgery
and Management

Be a part of the ESGO Accredited Centres in Training in Gynaecological Oncology

Based on European standards of training and care as established by ESGO, ESGO provides supervision and recognition for excellence in training and care by accreditation of centres across Europe.

Centres accredited by ESGO as European Training Centre in Gynaecological Oncology are authorized to provide certified training and prepare fellows for certification as FESGO (Fellow of ESGO). Centres that meet the criteria for a training centre as set in the ESGO Curriculum  can apply for accreditation. As from January 1st 2024 the entire process of (re-)application and recognition can be started and followed ON-LINE.

Only centres that meet the Curriculum criteria should start the application process. This can now be done on-line using the REDCap platform, which you might already have been using for certification in ovarian cancer surgery or endometrial cancer treatment.

The platform will guide you intuitively through the application process and in doing so it will already check the data for your centre to be provided. Keep a digital copy of your Training Programme. i.e. the fellow programme adapted to your local situation, and of your latest Year Report at hand to be uploaded.

Note that you will receive e-mails with active hyperlinks etc.

Process Overview

Accreditation Process

Interested to be part of the growing network of ESGO accredited centres for training in the subspecialty? 

Please view the following data and documents to prepare your application and to start the application process for ESGO accreditation by initiating the digital application via REDCap.

  • Data of the Application form (Application)
  • Formal Training programme and tutorship of the Applicant centre should be uploaded to the REDCap
  • Latest Year Report or equivalent data, reflecting the quantitative requirements.

As part of the process, to be eligible for the subspecialty training a centre must:

  • Provide the highest degree of teamwork and concentration of resources for the intensive investigation and management of patients.
  • Establish a formal Training programme according to the requirements of national bodies. If the national training programme does not exist, the centre should follow the European standards as defined in the ESGO Curriculum and eLogbook.
  • Have an adequate workload providing a full range of experience in the subspecialty.
  • Have an adequate medical staffing.
  • Provide adequate library, laboratory and other resources.
  • Provide the resources for a research programme related to the subspecialty.
  • Every fellow who wishes to pursue an ESGO fellowship and diploma must first be registered at the ESGO office via the eLogbook and then must complete the eLogbook.
  • We strongly recommend that a fellow's position at an accredited centres is associated with a salary or other form of financial support.

General Rules and Requirements

Check out if you are eligible and start the process!

Note that you will receive emails with active hyperlinks to the forms you will need to complete as part of your application. If your institution email server blocks such emails you should consider using an alternate email address, such as your personal email address, that will allow emails with active hyperlinks to come through.

Need further information? 

Contact the ESGO Administrative Office

ESGO Curriculum
Accreditation Fee


Hospital Re-Accreditations

    • Accreditation is valid for 5 years, followed by re-accreditation.
    • In principle, re-application follows the same procedures as the first application.
    • Accredited centres should apply for re-accreditation 6 months before the original accreditation expires.
    • The re-applying centre should provide a list of fellows trained during the accredited period.
    • Centres need to adapt the updated Curriculum to the local environment. From now on, when centres apply for (re-)accreditation, centres will need to provide the ESGO office a direct comparison of their local training programme with the ESGO Curriculum.
    • In order to apply for re-accreditation, a centre should have had at least one ESGO fellow/trainee during the most recent period of accreditation.


  • In case of re-accreditation after 5 years since the first accreditation, usually an on-line tele-visit will be done and if all requirements are met, including fulfilment of recommendations from the first accreditation visit, accreditation may be granted again for 5 years .However, ESGO may decide to require an onsite visit, e.g. based on earlier recommendations.After another 5 years (10 years since the first accreditation) the re-accreditation will again be done by a physical on-site re-visit.

    Need more information?

    Contact the ESGO office


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