Fellowship Training
Get Your Professional Subspecialty Certification
Interested in advancing your professional training in gynaecological oncology?
Check out the list of European Centres in Gynaecological Oncology accredited by ESGO that are authorised to provide accredited training to fellow trainees (up to a confirmed number of accredited positions).
Are you a Trainee interested in the accredited European subspecialty training?
- Review the General rules of ESGO certification of trainees.
- Directly contact ESGO certified training centres to apply for a local fellowship position.
- Accepted? Fill in the online application form in MyESGO section (select the "i" icon in your account)
- Upload the Training programme of your centre according to the new ESGO Curriculum.
- Before the start of their training, the fellows must submit the eLogBook Application form via MyESGO section.
- Ready to apply?
The following documents will be required during the application process:- your profile photo
- CV
- Certificate of medical degree
- Ob/gyn specialist certificate
- Colposcopy course - certificate (optional)
- Training programme plan
Need further information? Contact the ESGO Administrative Office.

Summary of rules for individual certification
Started your training programme? Fill out online the eLOG Book for every step you have accomplished!
All your assessments and improvements will be easily recorded in the eLog Book.!
Be in compliance with the ESGO Curriculum which can be downloaded HERE
Note that:
- The training includes a minimum of two (2) and at the most three (3) clinical years of full-time equivalent (FTE) training according to a prospectively approved programme in an ESGO-accredited Gynaecological Oncology cetre.
- Successful completion of the Curriculum and a passing mark on the ESGO theoretical Exam are mandatory requirements for obtaining the ESGO certification. The ESGO Exam must be passed within six (6) years from the formal start of training.
- Modules of another specialty (e.g., radiotherapy, medical oncology, surgery) may be followed for up to six (6) months within the fellowship programme.
The portfolio must be completed within four (4) years after the formal start of training. Retrospective fulfilment of the criteria, e.g., completion of the portfolio over years of oncological practice without a registered and defined training programme, is not allowed.
For any further information about the new Curriculum and/or the certification please feel free to contact the ESGO office
Need further information? Contact the ESGO Administrative Office.
Trainees awarded the ESGO Diploma of European Gynaecological Oncologist in 2025
- Núria Carreras, MD
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- Jacob Pieter Hoogendam, MD
Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, the Netherlands
- Waleed Mohammed Elamin Khaled, MD
Oncology center Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
- Tina Laga, MD
University Hospital Leuven, Belgium
- Hasan Alsalman, MD
Oncology center Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
- Simone Bruni, MD
Instituto Europeo di Oncologia (IEO), Milano, Italy
- Yagel Itai, MD
Imperial College London, NHS Trust, Hammersmith Hospital, United Kingdom
- Sofie Leisby Antonsen, MD
University Hospital Rigshospitalet,
Department of Gynaecological Oncology, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Thomas Gaillard, MD
Institute Curie Paris and Institut Curie St Cloud, Department of surgical oncology, Paris, France
- Karoliina Aro, MD
Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
- Siel Jeanne André Roger Olbrecht, MD
University Hospital Leuven, Belgium
- Ohad Feldstein, MD
The Royal Marsden Hospital, London, United Kingdom
- Arturas Dobilas, MD
Skane Lund University Hospital, Sweden
- Nadia Veiga Canuto, MD
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
- Irina Tsibulak, MD
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Marc Brincat, MD
Barts Health NHS Trust, Royal London Hospital, London, United Kingdom
- Andrea Rosati, MD
Agostino Gemelli Foundation University Hospital, Department of Gynaecological oncology, Rome, Italy
- Margioula-Siarkou Chrysoula, MD
Ippokrateion General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Greece, Greece
2nd department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Glennon Kate, MD
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital/St Vincent's University Hospital, Ireland
- Lim Yu Hui, MD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, United States
- AlWahaibi Fatma Mohamed Nasser, MD
Belfast city hospital Trust, Belfast, United Kingdom
- Sara Forte, MD
Institut Bergonie in Bordeaux, France and Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montreal (CHUM), Montreal, Canada
- Khatib Ghanim, MD
Balcali Hospital of Cukurova University Medical Faculty, Adana, Turkey
- Irina Cepraga, MD
Northampton General hospital NHS, Gynae Oncology, UK
Hospital of Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
- Vasilios Pergialiotis, MD
National & Kapodistrian University, Alexandra Hospital, Department of Gynaecologic Oncology, Athens, Greece
- Maria de los Reyes Oliver Perez, MD
University Hospital 12 de Octubre,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Madrid, Spain
- Cappuccio Serena, MD
Agostino Gemelli Foundation University Hospital, Rome, Italy