
ESGO Webinars Series

Live Educational Webinars in Gynaecological Oncology delivered by Leading Experts in the field

Upcoming Webinars


Equal chances webinars

The 2024 webinar series is intended to educate and equip participants to address and overcome challenges associated with the pervasive gender inequity that impacts doctors' lives. The series also fosters career development and wellbeing by facilitating leadership skills and life-work integration.

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Meet the Surgeon - Surgical Webinars

Leading surgeons will present and discuss with participants their approach to specific surgical techniques in gynaecological oncology.

The webinars will include:
30-minute presentation of the surgical technique and approach
30-minute discussion and Q&A.

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ENYGO Surgical Mentorship

  • Live Webinars Series
  • Designed for Young Surgeons
  • A chance to Learn from the best Surgeons

This exceptional new ENYGO Webinars series will bring together young surgeons with esteemed surgical experts. Take advantage of this chance to enhance your professional journey.

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Tumour Board Webinars

ESGO/ENYGO offers tumour board webinars on key topics for physicians with a professional interest in gynaecologic cancer.

These expert guided webinars will help improve the quality of treatment of gynaecologic cancer in European countries.



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Zoom Journal Club

Every month, members of the Editorial Board join the authors of IJGC lead articles on Zoom to discuss and debate their research and other relevant topics in an informal, collegial setting. Chats are open to the public, enabling authors discuss their work with a global audience and increase understanding and awareness of current studies in gynaecological oncology.

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Prevention Webinars

  • Filling the scientific gap by providing scientific evidence on topics related to prevention and treatment of pre-invasive disease
  • Bridging the East and the West by sharing the expertise of ESGO professionals with colleagues in Lower and Middle Income Countries via virtual conferences, webinars, and on-site screening pilot projects


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Partner Societies Webinars

ESGO has collaborated with partner societies to expand the possibilities for education, collaboration, and dialogue on current trends and hot topics in our area of expertise.





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New ESGO-ESTRO-ESP Guidelines: Guidance for Daily Clinical Decision-Making

As part of the mission to improve the quality of care for women with gynecological cancers, ESGO, ESTRO and ESP, has updated its Triple European evidence-based GL for the management of patients with EC. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of 30 experts, this comprehensive update incorporates the revised FIGO staging system and the latest scientific evidence.


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Past ESGO Webinars

Management of Gynaecological Cancers during COVID19 Pandemic

In these challenging times, ESGO has developed a new series of Free live webinars focused on the Management of Gynaecological Cancers during COVID19 Pandemic.

In this Webinar series, top European experts shared insights and real clinical cases from their front-line experience in managing ovarian, uterine and cervical cancer patients:



You can watch the presentations from these webinars at your convenience anytime on the ESGO eAcademy Educational Portal.


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