ESGO Courses

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Advanced Course on Surgical Management in Cervical Cancer_2025 ucoming
Online | Madrid, Spain

Level: Advanced

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Level: Advanced

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IRCAD, Strasbourg

Level: Basic

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Application process is closed
Course on Surgical Management of_CC_Web

Advanced Course on Surgical Management of Cervical Cancer

The course will provide an in depth understanding of surgical anatomy, as well as an essential knowledge on the surgical management of patients with cervical cancer.

Hands-on cadaveric advanced laparoscopic and open training


Online | Madrid, Spain

Level: Advanced

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ESGO-SERGS Advanced Course in Robotic Gynaecological Oncology Surgery

We highly encourage to apply for an exclusive course for surgeons with advanced experience in robotic surgery.

2 day course combines a hands-on workshop and theoretical lectures. Developed in partnership with the Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery (SERGS).

IRCAD, Strasbourg, France

Level: Advanced

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ENYGO Introduction to Robotic Surgery Course

ENYGO Introduction to Robotic Surgery course is intended for all fellows and trainees with no experience, great interest and some general knowledge of robotic surgery.

IRCAD, France

Level: Basic

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ESGO-ENYGO Masterclass in Gynaecological Oncology (in cooperation with ESO)

Masterclass will present up-to-date, standardised knowledge of the multidisciplinary management of gynaecological cancers to future gynaecological oncologists across Europe. The course furthers the organisations’ key goal of harmonising gynaecological oncology training and education throughout Europe.

Athens, Greece

Level: Basic

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Sold out

Online Course on Urologic Surgery for Gynaecological Oncologists

Participants will acquire detailed knowledge of surgical management of urologic system in the context of gynaecological oncology.

The lectures and discussions will be available 30 days on-demand after the live broadcast.


Level: Intermediate

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ENYGO-IJGC Scientific Writing and Publication Online Course

The purpose of this online course is for medical writing experts to share their experience and provide useful tips and tricks on the methodology of transforming a research idea to a published paper in a peer-reviewed international journal.


Level: Basic

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Course on Molecular Pathology and Targeted Therapy in Gynaecological Cancers

This course will cover key elements of Molecular Pathology of Ovarian, Endometrial and Cervical Cancers.

London, UK

Level: Intermediate

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Advanced Course on the Multidisciplinary Team Management of Cervical Cancer

We highly encourage multidisciplinary teams of gynaecological oncologists and radiation oncologists to participate

Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Level: Advanced

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4th ESGO Advanced Course in Ovarian Cancer Surgery

The course program features Online theoretical advanced lectures - Video sessions - Live surgery transmission - Cadaver lab workshop

Online on Nov 23-25
Face-to-face on Dec 2-3

Online | Hamburg, Germany

Level: Advanced

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Pre-Intermediate Course in Robotic Gynaecological Oncology Surgery

An exclusive 2 days course for surgeons with early experience in robotic surgery. The course combines a hands-on workshop (live tissue) and theoretical lectures at the IRCAD training centre

November 2-3 face-to-face at IRCAD
November 7 live surgery online streaming

IRCAD, Strasbourg, France

Level: Pre-Intermediate

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Online Course on Bowel Surgery for Gynaecological Oncologists 2022

Participants will gain all the essential bowel surgery principles necessary to perform bowel anastomosis and stoma placement safely.

Registration will close on May 12 at 1pm CET!

8 CME Credits


Level: Intermediate

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Advanced Course on Endoscopy in Gynaecological Oncology

The course programme features advanced theoretical lectures, pelvic trainers, live surgery and hands-on training with animal models


IRCAD, Strasbourg, France

Level: Advanced

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Advanced Course in Robotic Gynaecological Oncology Surgery

An exclusive 3 day course for surgeons with advanced experience in robotic surgery. Combines a hands-on workshop and theoretical lectures. Developed in partnership with the Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery (SERGS)

ORSI, Ghent, Belgium

Level: Advanced

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ENYGO Basic Laparoscopic Skills Course

Acquire the basic theoretical and practical skills to perform laparoscopy and to access advanced laparoscopic courses

GESEA level 1 exam included

11 CME Credits

Rome, Italy

Level: Basic

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Online Course on Bowel Surgery for Gynaecological Oncologists

ESGO´s all-new online course on the topic of Bowel Surgery

Participants will gain all the essential bowel surgery principles necessary to perform bowel anastomosis and stoma placement safely.

The lectures and discussions will be available 14 days on-demand after the live broadcast.

5 CME Credits


Level: Intermediate

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Pre-Intermediate Course in Robotic Gynaecological Oncology Surgery

An exclusive 2 days course for surgeons with early experience in robotic surgery. The course combines a hands-on workshop (live tissue) and theoretical lectures at the ORSI training centre

November 8-9 face-to-face at ORSI, Ghent
November 12 live surgery transmission

Ghent, Belgium

Level: Pre-Intermediate

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Advanced Course on Surgical Management of Cervical Cancer

The course will provide an in depth understanding of surgical anatomy, as well as an essential knowledge on the surgical management of patients with cervical cancer

Hands-on cadaveric advanced laparoscopic and open training

10 CME Credits


Online | Madrid, Spain

Level: Advanced

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ENYGO Introduction to Robotic Surgery

ENYGO Introdution to Robotic Surgery course is intended for all fellows and trainees with no experience, great interest and some general knowledge of robotic surgery


7 CME Credits

July 23 | September 16 | September 17

ORSI, Belgium

Level: Basic

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Online Course on Molecular Pathology and Targeted Therapy in Gynaecological Cancers

This ESGO´s all-new CME course will cover key elements of Molecular Pathology of Ovarian, Endometrial and Cervical Cancers.
The lectures and discussions will be available 14 days on-demand after the live broadcast.

July 1-2 live sessions | July 3-16 on-demand lectures including discussions


Level: Intermediate

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ESGO-ENYGO-ESO Masterclass

The primary learning objective is to cover the entire curriculum of the gynae-oncological subspecialty as defined by ESGO

State-of-the-art lectures will be combined with practical video, presentations of surgical approaches and tumour boards


Level: Basic

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Accredited course

Regional Conference in Fertility Sparing Management

A new format combining the ESGO and local expertise is designed for gynaecological oncologists from Russia and neighbouring countries.

Leading European and Russian experts will share their expertise

In cooperation with Russian Society of Gynaecological Oncology (RSGO)


Level: Basic

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ENYGO-IJGC Scientific Writing and Publication Online Course

The purpose of this online course is for medical writing experts to share their experience and provide useful tips and tricks on the methodology of transforming a research idea to a published paper in a peer-reviewed international journal


Level: Basic

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ESGO/ESGE Advanced Course on Endoscopy in Gynaecological Oncology

The Course program features advanced theoretical lectures, pelvic trainers, live surgery and hands-on training with animal models. 18 CME Credits

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the course has been canceled!

Hamburg, Germany

Level: Advanced

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Advanced Course in Fertility Sparing Management of Gynaecological Cancers

This course addresses very special aspects that effect fertility and fertility preservation in young patients with gynaecological cancers

14 CME Credits


Hamburg, Germany

Level: Advanced

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Advanced Course on Multidisciplinary Management of Cervical Cancer

We highly encourage multidisciplinary teams of gynaecological oncologists and radiation oncologists to participate

14 CME Credits

Paris, France

Level: Advanced

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3rd ESGO Advanced Course in Ovarian Cancer Surgery

The Course program features advanced theoretical lectures, 2 live surgeries, and an exclusive cadaver lab hands-on training

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to learn from the best surgeons in the field

17 CME Credits

Hamburg, Germany

Level: Advanced

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ENYGO Laparoscopy Hands-on-Workshop

The main goal of this course is to provide the participants with the necessary laparoscopic knowledge and psychomotorical skills, practicing the procedures on pelvic trainers and animal models

Rome, Italy

Level: Intermediate

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ESGO-IRCAD Advanced Course in Sentinel Lymph Node in Gynecologic Cancer

The FIRST OF ITS KIND 3-day course offers first-rate educational content provided by an exceptional faculty of leading international experts

IRCAD Strasbourg, France

Level: Advanced

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Secondary Advanced Robotic Surgery Course

Clinically oriented, hands-on training course aims to improve the knowledge and skills of surgeons on procedures in gynaecologic cancer by robotic approach

ORSI Ghent, Belgium

Level: Advanced

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Masterclass in Gynaecological Oncology

After three successful Masterclass editions, the Masterclass 2019 will present up-to-date standardised knowledge of the multidisciplinary management of gynaecological cancers

Prague, Czech Republic

Level: Basic

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Endoscopy in Gynaecological Oncology Course

Clinically oriented, interactive, pelvic trainer, hands-on training course offers advanced theoretical lectures combined with video training and discussion with experts

Rome, Italy

Level: Advanced

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Primary Advanced Robotic Surgery Course

The course combines a hands-on workshop and theoretical lectures at the ORSI training centre. The course is organized by ESGO in collaboration with SERGS

ORSI Ghent, Belgium

Level: Intermediate

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ESGO Regional Course on Ovarian Cancer Surger

A new format combining the ESGO and local expertize is designed for surgeons from Russia and neighboring countries. Part of this course is exclusive cadaver lab hands-on training

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Level: Advanced

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ESGO Regional Ovarian Cancer Workshop (in cooperation with GSGO)

2-day workshop organised in cooperation with the Georgian Society of Gynaecological Oncology (GSGO)

Tbilisi, Georgia

Level: Intermediate

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Advanced Course on Fertility Sparing Management of Gynaecological Cancers

This clinically oriented, hands-on training course is an exclusive opportunity to learn from the most experienced European surgeons

Hamburg, Germany

Level: Advanced

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Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Level: Basic

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Advanced Techniques in Gynaecological_2025_Web
Valencia, Spain

Level: Advanced

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Last seats available!
Tbilisi, Georgia

Level: Basic

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Registration open!