Don’t Overlook Campaign

Don't Overlook Ovarian Cancer
Awareness Campaign

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Don’t Overlook is a campaign that urges women and primary care physicians (PCPs) to recognise ovarian cancer symptoms and understand the importance of a rapid diagnosis as well as access to and benefits of specialist care in treating the disease.

The campaign was developed by ESGO, the European Network of Gynaecological Cancer Advocacy Groups (ENGAGe), and AstraZeneca with funding provided by AstraZeneca, and is the second project under the OCC collaboration.

Despite advances in care, many women with ovarian cancer are only diagnosed in advanced stages of the disease, because the symptoms of ovarian cancer are non-specific.1,2 Some estimates suggest that around 15% of women with ovarian cancer die within two months of diagnosis, with the average time for a woman to be diagnosed from first noticing symptoms being around seven months.3,4*

There is still much to be done to ensure women receive their diagnosis before the disease has reached an advanced stage so they can potentially benefit from improved outcomes.1 One such intervention is enabling access to specialist care which provides specialised assessment, surgical and systemic treatment in a high-volume setting.4,5 Women who receive specialist care benefit from better treatment and survival outcomes versus those who do not.4,6,7 However this care is often overlooked, due to a low level of awareness about its benefits as well as the significant global variation in its availability.4

By launching Don’t Overlook campaign, we aim to shine a light on the gaps in ovarian cancer care and urge women and physicians not to overlook ovarian cancer and to act on time and in the right way.

For more information, view the Press Release

* This is based on an analysis of the 2018 ‘Every Woman Study’

Don't Overlook

Ovarian Cancer Signs & Symptoms

The pathway to receiving a diagnosis of ovarian cancer is different for everyone.

Learn how to spot the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer!

For more information View Olivia's Pathway Guide

Don't Overlook
the importance of MDT & More

New Lifestyle Articles on Olivia's Living with Ovarian Cancer Section

ESGO ENGAGe Working Group Members

Christina Fotopoulou


Prof. Christina Fotopoulou

Working Group Chair

Icó Tóth picture_smaller2


Icó Tóth

ENGAGe Past Co-Chair



Prof. Jalid Sehouli

ENGAGe Co-Chair

Artem Stepanyan


Prof. Artem Stepanyan

ESGO Council Member



Prof. Viola Heinzelmann

ESGO Council Member

Maja Pakiz


Asst. Prof. Maja Pakiz

ESGO Council Member

Nadja-Taumberger 2


Dr. Nadja Taumberger

ENGAGe Executive Group Member


  1. Momenimovahed Z, et al. Ovarian Cancer in The World: Epidemiology and Risk Factors. Int J Womens Health. 2019; 11: 287–299.
  2. The University of Kansas. What Is Ovarian Cancer: Symptoms, Detection and Treatment. Available at Accessed May 2023.
  3. Reid F, et al. The World Ovarian Cancer Coalition Every Woman Study: identifying challenges and opportunities to improve survival and quality of life. International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer. 2021;31:238-244.
  4. World Ovarian Cancer Coalition. Every Woman Study Summary Report. 2018. Available at:
    WOCC-Every-Woman-Study-Summary-Report-Nov-08.pdf ( Accessed May 2023.
  1. World Ovarian Cancer Coalition. World Ovarian Cancer Coalition Atlas 2023. Available at Accessed May 2023.
  2. Falzone L, et al. 2021. A multidisciplinary approach remains the best strategy to improve and strengthen the management of Ovarian Cancer. Int J Oncol. 2021 Jul; 59(1): 53.
  3. Minig L, et al. The relevance of gynecologic oncologists to provide high-quality of care to women with gynecological cancer. Frontiers in Oncology. 2016;5:308.

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